6 Tips To Increase Your Boiler’s Lifespan
Boilers are crucial for providing warm air or hot water to keep your home or business running smoothly. Unfortunately, they are also expensive to replace. A few small tips and tricks can help your boiler last longer and save you money in the long term.
Annual Maintenance
Most people procrastinate maintenance because their boiler does not have an immediate problem. Unfortunately, this could lead to significant issues in the future. It’s best to have a professional technician inspect the boiler annually, properly clean components, and replace worn-out parts.
Prompt Boiler Maintenance
Minor repairs, like a slight noise, can easily be put off if the boiler still functions properly. Minor repairs can turn into massive problems if you ignore them. For example, a minor clunking noise could mean a component is loose and rattling inside the boiler. This can damage other components, make the boiler inefficient, and lead to a complete breakdown. Contact professionals for your electric boiler as soon as you notice a sign your system is malfunctioning.
Water Softener
Areas with hard water often experience mineral buildup inside boilers and other appliances that use the water. Learn about the water in your area and invest in a high-quality water softener to reduce mineral buildup and prolong the lifespan of your hot water boiler. Also, invest in annual inspections to ensure limescale buildup doesn’t become a problem.
Prevent Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes in the winter can cause serious problems for a hot water boiler. A frozen pipe can burst, damaging the boiler or other components. It can result in flooding, and frozen water can make your boiler unusable. It’s best to prevent frozen pipes. Hire professionals to insulate pipes before cold weather hits. Keep water running when the temperature is below freezing because moving water doesn’t freeze as quickly as still water.
Select the Right Boiler
Increasing a boiler’s lifespan starts the day you select a boiler. Make sure the boiler is the appropriate size for the building. Using a boiler that is too small puts unnecessary wear and tear on every component, making them wear out sooner. It’s essential to do your due diligence before purchasing a new boiler. Contact professionals if you’re unsure what size you need.
Smart Controls
If possible, connect your boiler to smart controls to ensure you don’t put more wear and tear on your boiler than necessary. Programmable controls ensure your boiler is always working when you need it to. It won’t have to kick on and suddenly go into overdrive to produce more heat or hot water than it usually does, which can make a boiler go out sooner.
Contact Green Heating, Cooling & Electric for Boiler Maintenance
Investing in a high-quality boiler of the appropriate size is the first step in helping your boiler last as long as possible. Thankfully, our team of professionals can help you determine the appropriate size for your building. We can also perform annual boiler maintenance, visual inspections, and more on your electric or gas boiler.
Contact us to schedule a boiler maintenance appointment today!